A major outcome from Ally Training Workshops, is a new awareness of things to do now.  It is not typically appropriate to race down to your nearest colleauge you think has been a target of inequity and proclaim your new skillset and ask them to share how they've been oppressed. However, there are ways to engage in conversations and actions about improving climate, culture, inclusion/exclusion and sharing with others what you have learned and building trust with others. 

Important things for allies at Lehigh to know about are the following: 

Statement about Sexual Harassment and Misconduct

Statement on Gender Bias in Student Course Evaluations

In addition to the items on the handout, faculty in attendance added the items below to the list.  We thank the allies for recognizing ways they can be proactive and deliberate in their existing roles on campus and appreciate their committment to gender equity in the faculty.

1. Attend presentations by women colleagues. Simply attending a woman colleague's research seminar or other presentation sends a message that you value her contribution and support her work.
2. When opportunity arises, educate students about gender bias.
3. Limit discussion of department business to actual meeting times when women are present.  An example was given that men may continue discussion after a meeting's conclusion as they visit the lavatory- which certainly excludes their female colleagues from the conversation.
4. Establish rotating roles for duties such as taking notes or department minutes or other tasks that may otherwise disproportionately fall to women.