Have you ever considered Academic Coaching? As an extension of mentoring, faculty utilize coaches for career development purposes, indluding productivity, priority setting, at career transition stages, and also to strengthen their formal leadership capacity. Usually coaching is done one-one, although sometimes it can take place in groups. Additionally, coaching can be done in person or remotely.
Some individuals or organizations who provide coaching are listed below. This is not an exhuaustive list, nor is it an endorsement of their services.
- Dr. Christine Grant, http://drchristinegrant
.com/ is the consulting page; she's Associate Dean of Faculty Advancement in the College of Engineering at North Carolina State University and Professor of Chemical Engineering - Dr. Nancy Wayne, UCLA; Women Advancing Together is her consultant name; she favors the use of 'consultation" - explore more: https://nancylwayne.word
press.com/one-on-one-consultat ions/ - Lifebound, Inc
- Helen Williams, Program Director for Education, Cleveland Foundation, https://www.clevelandfoundatio
n.org/about/staff/- she did group and executive coaching during Louisiana Tech's ADVANCE PAID grant. - Kardia Group (http://kardiagroup.com/coachi
ng/ )