Posted: November 18, 2015

ELATE at Drexel® is a national leadership development program designed to advance senior women faculty in academic engineering, computer science, and related fields into effective institutional leadership roles within their schools and universities.

For information about eligibility and how to apply, nominate someone to be an ELATE Fellow, please visit:

ELATE is an intensive full-year, part-time fellowship program modeled on the highly successful ELAM® program for women in medicine, dentistry and public health, and tailored to the needs of faculty women in engineering and technology. Three in-residence sessions of 4-6 days each are used to enhance knowledge and skills in business practices of higher education, project management with diverse stakeholders, and effective communication in a variety of leadership platforms.

ELATE Fellows will:
  • Improve their personal and professional leadership through professional and peer coaching, personality and leadership style inventories, and 360evaluations.
  • Learn, through activities, classroom presentations, and interviews of their own institutional leaders, how to understand and navigate organizational dynamics.
  • Expand their knowledge of strategic finance and resource management at the institutional level through didactic presentations, case studies, and work at their home institutions.