Some candidates may have received less mentoring at previous career stages than their counterparts and may, therefore, be at a disadvantage in knowing what they can legitimately request in negotiations. The way an offer is negotiated can have huge impact not only on the immediate hiring outcome, but also on a new hire’s future career. Candidates who feel that Chairs or Deans conduct negotiations honestly and openly, and aim to create circumstances in which they will thrive, are more satisfied in their positions and more likely to stay at the Lehigh University than are those who feel that a department or Chair or Dean has deliberately withheld information, resources, or opportunities from them. 

  • Consider appointing an advocate or mentor for those candidates that may require assistance throughout the negotiating process. Do not assume every candidate knows how to negotiate. 
  • Ensure initial equity in both the negotiated conditions and in the department’s follow-through on the commitments it makes are important factors in retention as well as recruitment.
  • Empower the candidate to advocate on his or her own behalf by providing all candidates with a complete list of possible items to discuss in the course of negotiations. This list may vary by field, and should include those items that will maximize the likelihood of candidate success in that field. For some fields, these might include:
    • Salary
    • Course release time
    • Lab equipment
    • Lab space
    • Renovation of lab space
    • Research assistant
    • Clerical / administrative support
    • Attractive teaching opportunity
    • Travel funds
    • Discretionary Funds
    • Summer salary
    • Moving expenses 
    • Assistance with partner/ spouse employment networking 
    • Other issues of concern to the candidate