Posted: December 20, 2024
ADVANCE continued to make infrastructure and programmatic impacts. Read below for some Fall 2024 semester highlights.
ADVANCE Center scope and resources for optimizing impact
- ADVANCE Center selected and completed appointment process for Dr. Stephanie Powell Watts joining as a co-Faculty Director for three years starting January 1.
- Transition new website
- Collaborated on new vision and proposal for physical space with CGE and WGSS
Advancing Future Faculty Diversity Postdoctoral Program
- Onboard Cohort 2, and deliver activities for Cohort 1 & 2 (total of 7 scholars)
- Launch internal and external calls for Cohort 3, information sessions and collaborate to support the host units
- Adapt policies and programming based on Year 1 Lessons Learned, including from June EISCC Presentation.
- Reviewing mentoring plans and progress for each scholar
- Partnering with Office of Postdoctoral Affairs for improvement of onboarding, professional development for all postdoctoral scholars
Faculty Recruitment (Outreach, Hiring, Onboarding)
- Hosted 4 workshops Best Practices for Inclusive and Excellent Faculty Recruitment satisfying the requirement for members of search committees to attend every other year. Of 136 members of Faculty Search Committees, 47% completed training
- Faculty Recruitment Ambassador Program recognized by HEED; Trained new cohort of ambassadors (22); Met with 23 candidates across 8 departments
- Expert consultation to the Faculty Senate in final developments ahead of the passage of the DI&E in Hiring Motion; preparing for supplemental education, implementation, and assessment needs.
Faculty Retention & Advancement (Mentoring, Culture, Climate, Advancement-Evaluation, Leadership Capacity Building)
- Mentoring & Community
- New Faculty Orientation
- New Faculty Mentoring via INC Program, implementing IDP framework, four main INC groups, 3 fall meetings
- Published first New Faculty Professional Development & Leadership Table to enable faculty to identify opportunities and programs At-A-Glance
- Facilitated CIMER Research Mentoring Skills workshop series, (completed by 9 faculty and 4 postdocs), in partnership with Associate Deputy Provost for Graduate Education and Postdoctoral Affairs Manager.
- Co-sponsored University membership to NCFDD and administered application and selection of 6 faculty to the Fall 2025 Faculty Success Program of NCFDD
- LU-WISE started semester emphasizing focus on awards and nominations
- Partnered with CGE and LU-WISE to consider future leadership and other needs
- Adapting CIMER-based curriculum for Clare Boothe Luce Undergraduate Research Scholars and their faculty and grad student mentors, in partnership with Associate Deputy Provost for Graduate Education
- Adapting CIMER-based mentoring bootcamp for RCEAS Grad mentors of undergraduate Research Scholars, in partnership with Associate Deputy Provost for Graduate Education
- Networked with Mentoring Experts and Practitioners during the UNM National Mentoring Conference, incorporating learnings to existing programs
- Advised and contributed to Office of Research guidance and resources to support faculty to include robust mentoring plans within their grant proposals
- Consulting with Office of Research for the equity and outcomes assessment of internal grants programs
Promotion & Tenure:
- Co-authored revisions to faculty evaluation guidances for internal colleagues
- Convened session for 12 mid-career faculty with the Deputy Provost about the Promotion Plan philosophy within the triennial review
- Hosted FSPN, LU-WISE+, and RCEAS D&I Council to solicit additional feedback and insights about the Faculty Workload Equity Policy and Implementation Framework and provided that to faculty senate for integration into their working group structure
- Consult with Faculty Senate: provide expertise to Tenure and Promotion working group, and the Service Load and Equity working groups
- Consultations with individuals facing equity and climate challenges and associated follow-ups with university leaders, as needed
- Department and Department Chair Knowledge and Capacity consultation and support
- Exit Interviews, upon request
ADVANCE Women in STEM Outreach/Faculty Equity Research & Dissemination Opportunities
- Sponsored at Da Vinci Center WISE Forum, 130 HS girls met 9 faculty, student mentors and admissions/outreach staff, at networking/mentoring reception.
- Prepared two abstract proposals to the 2024 EISCC Equity in STEM Community Convening
- One on RCEAS Recruitment related outcomes and learnings with Drs. Swann and Jellison
- One on AFFDP emphasizing transition to faculty process with Drs. Jones and Ramage
- Co-author with Dr. Taneka Jones on abstract to FWCA conference