Posted: August 11, 2021
Faculty leading and serving on search committees as well as the department chairs and staff members supporting the recruitment process can now please register for one of the four workshops by the corresponding RSVP date. All sessions have been moved to Zoom format. Watch your inbox for calendar confirmations and updates after you RSVP.
September 1, 2-4pm- RSVP August 27
September 2, 9-11 am- RSVP August 27
September 27, 8:30-10:30- RSVP September 22
September 29, 9-11- RSVP September 22
Colleagues only need to join one session.
In addition to reviewing the current procedures and documentation expectations, the program will:
· Update colleagues on hiring outcome demographics
· Highlight the evidence about evaluation and decision-making biases, consider the impact of the pandemic, and provide strategies to mitigate the impacts of those biases
· Support healthy committee dynamics and responding to bias during decision making
· Help search committees activate a robust recruitment outreach plan
· Share recommendations for conducting interviews of semi-finalists and finalists (in person or remotely)
· Share the latest expectations for reference checks, internet searching/using other academic information, screening for sexual harassment/research misconduct
· Discuss tips for requesting and evaluating applicant statements about commitments to diversity, equity and inclusion
· Provide ample time for discussing your ideas and questions, learn from one another