Posted: October 9, 2020
Based on
- Tuesday @ 11
- Wednesday @ 1
- Wednesday @ 4
Registration for the NCFDD Fall 14-Day Writing Challenge is still OPEN until October 14th
Whether you've got a writing project that is almost done or not even close, join the challenge to kickstart or revitalize that daily writing habit and get those projects out the door!The 14-Day Challenge is free to all members. Registration ends October 14 and the program runs from October 19 - November 1, 2020 (there are others throughout the academic year).Experiment with daily writing, online community, and supportive accountability and register today!
The Constellation Prize Deadline October 31st
The Constellation Prize seeks to reimagine engineering by celebrating engineers and their collaborators whose work embodies the ideals of environmental protection, social justice, human rights, and peace.For more information on the award and the nomination process, visit their website.Who can be nominated: Any individual engineer, or a collaborative project in engineering, that contributes to the values of social justice, peace, environmental protection, and human rights.Award amounts vary according to the needs of the nominee.Questions - email .
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers asks: Does STEM Diversity Promote Workforce Diversity? in this Oct. 6 article featuring Germán A. Cadenas, assistant professor of counseling psychology at Lehigh University’s College of Education.
Holly J. Falk-Krzesinski, PhD, VP, Research Intelligence & Bamini Jayabalasingham, PhD, Sr. Analytical Product Mgr., Elsevier May 27 2020 | 61 mins
This latest report on gender in research further examines critical gender issues and performance through a gender lens and includes quantitative analyses into new areas and themes and incorporates a qualitative research component:
- Research participation: Assessing gender diversity among researchers
- Research footprint: Measuring the research footprint of both genders
- Career progression and mobility: Assessing author continuity and mobility
- Collaboration networks: Evaluating collaboration patterns and gender differences
- Perceptions of gender in research: Providing insight into the ways in which women and men view issues of gender diversity and inclusion
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2020 was awarded jointly to Emmanuelle Charpentier and Jennifer A. Doudna "for the development of a method for genome editing."
The Virus Moved Female Faculty to the Brink. Will Universities Help?