Posted: July 15, 2021

UPDATE: Attend Sept 10 Workshop, see EVENTS. 

Important information on streamlining triennial review requirements

Dear Associate Professors:

According to R&P (§, the purpose of the triennial is to evaluate one’s “progress toward promotion to Professor.” Feedback requesting streamlining the process has emerged from numerous sources, and we began discussions to reevaluate the current triennial process. The predominant sentiment has been that in its present form, the triennial is burdensome and does not necessarily accomplish its intended purpose. In addition, it requires a great deal of work on the part of the faculty member, chairs, and departmental colleagues. 

The required documentation for the triennial is not part of R&P, and is instead spelled out in the Provost’s checklist, which represents an opportunity to streamline the process and move it toward its intended purpose. After consultation with the Faculty Senate and the Colleges, we have made some changes to the required documentation. 

Rather than assemble the near equivalent of a promotion dossier, the required faculty-provided elements of the triennial dossier will now include only the faculty member’s CV, the research, teaching, and service statement, and a brief “promotion plan” to be discussed with the department chair. Other types of documentation (e.g. research sample, teaching evaluations) are now optional and at the faculty member’s discretion. With these changes, the triennial process will focus less on reviewing extensive supporting documentation and more on collegial guidance for strategically planning one’s career progression toward Professor. 

These changes will take place immediately, affecting those who will have triennial reviews taking place during the 2021-22 academic year. A copy of the new checklist may be found here, and changes have been made to the Provost’s promotion, tenure, and reappointment page. Early in the fall semester we will provide materials and a workshop (if there is interest) to help faculty develop a promotion plan that is useful to them rather than lengthy and highly formalized. We will monitor this year’s process and seek feedback for future improvements. 

As we move forward, please do not hesitate to reach out to your chairs, to your college, or to our office if you have any questions. 


Nathan Urban

Jackie Krasas