- LU-WISE Welcome, Wednesday, August 24, 2022 - 12:15pm to 1:45pm, HST 185L
- September LU-WISE- Soar Together- Research Roundtable, Thursday, September 22, 2022 - 12:00pm to 1:30pm
- October LU-WISE- Dr. Kelly Cross, Queering STEM Culture, Wednesday, October 19, 2022 - 12:00pm to 1:30pm
- November LU-WISE Workshopping my Dossier, Thursday, November 17, 2022 - 12:00pm to 1:30pm
August 6, 2020 Idea Cafe- This session yielded the following document (request permission to access the file). Major themes are listed below, and they will inform the coming year's programming:
- Anti-Racism in STEM
- addressing and surviving the impacts of COVID-19 on faculty careers and evaluation
- caregiving challenges worsened by COVID-19
- Ideas to cultivate and sustain community across different (include not limited to)
- give/get
- writing accountabilty
- casual LU-WISE cafe socials
- keep current on university policies (ex: new Harassment & Discrimination Policy) while championing more equitable policies (regarding service and D&I work)
- mentoring of students while remote & mentoring for underrepresented students,
- leadership development
- support and community for POPs, lecturers, and adjuncts
- addressing interdisciplinarity and collaboration inequities
- engaging more men in advancing equity and inclusion
August 13- Caregiving, Work, Covid
August 20- LU-WISE Meet with Jackie Krasas, Deputy Provost Faculty Affairs
September 24: LU-WISE Remote Mentoring of Students
October 22: Morning Meet with the Provost
October 22: LU-WISE: Give-Get
2019-2020 Schedule:
LU-WISE Monthly Lunches, 12-1:30p
- August 27, UC 306: Welcome 2019-2020, RSVP with this link by August 21
- September 19, UC308:B Allies & Advocates RSVP with this link by September 13
- October 18, UC306, Self-Promotion: Statement/Biosketch Swap with Dr. Kate Bullard, RSVP with this link by October 14
- November 14, UC306, Faculty Senate
- December 4, Dr. Jenna Carpenter, inaugural dean of Campbell University College of Engineering- Breakfast for STEM women, lunch workshop
- December 10 UC306, LGBTQ Perspectives and Family Building Policies
- January 22, UC306, Mentoring Students in the lab
- February 28, WI351, , Dr. Whitney Witt, inaugural dean of Lehigh's College of Health
- March 19, ST102, TBD
- April 22, UC306,TBD
2018-2019 ADVANCE LU-WISE 12:00pm-1:30, locations below
Topics will be added as they are confirmed.
September 6, 2018: Welcome LU-WISE, UC409- Presentation with resources
September 14, 2018: LU-WISE 1, UC409- Navigating Power & Politics, video of interest
October 11, 2018: LU-WISE 2,UC409
November 15, 2018: LU-WISE 3, UC409
December 11, 2018: LU-WISE 4, UC409
January 24, 2019: LU-WISE 5
February 22, 2019: LU-WISE 6
March 2, 2019: LU-WISE 7
April 19, 2019: LU-WISE 8
May 10, 2019: LU-WISE 9
Look in the Events list for more details and RSVP links.
- September 23, 2016: Semester Plans: What's in store for ADVANCE, What's in store for you? High level overview of 16-17AY goals for ADVANCE Center. Then, related to time management in the academy, we referenced concepts from Every Semester Needs a Plan for strategic goal and project planning for the things that matter most, but tend to have low built-in accountability.
- October 13, 2016: Eileen Pollack, author of The Only Woman in the Room: Why Science is Still a Boys Club, UC303 12-1:30 for book talk and book signing. 2-3pm in Women's Center for student meet & greet.
- November 17, 2016: Handling Conflict
- December 9 or 16, 2016
- January 2017 TBD
- February 2017 TBD
- March 2017 TBD
- April 2017 TBD
- May 2017 TBD
- September 3, 2015- UC 408
- October 2, 2015
- November 5, 2015- UC306, Men Advocates for Gender Equity, Teaching Evaluations, and Success Teams
- December 4, 2015- RBC292, Nancy Wayne, Workshop: The Need for Self Promotion
- January 2016, RSVP
- February 4, 2016, Meeting with Men Advocates
- March 2, 2016
- April 7, 2016
- May 6, 2016
This year, in addition to Luncheons for Career Development and Networking, we will schedule several 4 hour or 8 hour Writing Retreats for interested STEM Faculty Women. Look for RSVP links.
- August 21, 2014- UC 306- Kick Off
- September 18, 2014- UC 408- Make more Energy, not more Time
- October 6-7, 2014- Writing Retreat I *Look for link to confirm time
- October 15, 2014- IA Governor's Suite--Creativity as a Skill, Guest Speaker
- November 24, 2014--Handling Criticism
- December 18, 2014--Celebrating and Identifying Enablers of Success
- January 16, 2015- Writing Retreat II *Look for link to confirm time
- January 22, 2015-Gender and the Classroom- Course Evaluations/Inclusive Education
- February 11, 2015 8-9 am Breakfast with Dr. Christine Grant, NCSU
- February 19, 2015- Tenure Talk, Peer-Peer
- March 19, 2015--Impostor Syndrome Workshop, Dr. Nancy Wayne
- April 16, 2015
- May 13, 2015
- June 19, 2015- Writing Retreat III *Look for link to confirm time
June 27, 2013- 12-1:30 STEPS 551
July 25, 2013: UC 302 Brown Bag Lunch, dessert and drinks provided.
Topic: Grant Writing- Focus on NIH proposal strategies. Some useful tips can be found from past Faculty Peer Exchange Sessions, specifically: Power point slides of introductory talk by Alan Snyder as well as Power Point Slides used by Dr. Hunziker of NIH at the webinar by her on Nov 13, 2012
August 21, 2013 - 2-4 PM "Outside the Box" Kick-Off! - Problem Solving through a unique painting experience. At Roey's Paintbox Parties, Main St. Bethlehem. RSVP by August 16th with this link: http://www.doodle.com/vhwdbypytcn8yydu
September 26, 2013
October 24, 2013
November 21, 2013
December 19, 2013
January 16 or 23, 2014
February 20, 2014
March 20, 2014
April 17, 2014
May 15, 2014
2012-2013 ADVANCE LU-WISE Activities mostly relate to service and faculty career resources. Other opportunities are advertised or sponsored.
Friday, February 1, 3:00 PM
Packard Lab, Room 416
Li-Ching Lee, PhD
Departments of Epidemiology and Mental Health
John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Epidemiologic Research and Findings on Autism Spectrum Disorders: An Update
February (TBD): Resources and Reputation: Discuss opportunitites on campus to take your impact to another level by investigating institutional funding streams, international opportunities, and paths to be more visible on campus.
February 26-27: NSF ADVANCE Site VISIT Women STEM Faculty are included in various stakeholder focus groups with the NSF ADVANCE Site Visit Team.
March 18: Academic Symposium: How Interdiscilpnarity Shapes STEM Careers of Women
April: TBD
May: TBD
2011-2012 ADVANCE LU-WISE Luncheons will relate to the theme of interdisciplinarity. Participants will continue to have the opportunity to set the tone and topic.
April 20, 2012
March 23, 2012:
Celebrating Lehigh's STEM Women, Focus on pursuit and outcomes of interdisciplinary research by women.
February 23, 2012:
Amber Rice and WEBS
Spring 2011: Building Community, Sharing Research. See the slides and photos from the sessions on this page.
January 21, 2011:
Kristen Jellison, LU-WISE Lunch, Jan. 21, 2011
Amy Camp, LU-WISE Lunch, Jan. 21, 2011
March 24, 2011: Xiaolei Huang, LU-WISE Lunch, Mar. 24, 2011