Time. Do you know that if you saved 30 minutes a day, you would have 22 eight-hour days at the end of the year? Who doesn't want more time? There are many strategies to saving time and using the time you have most efficiently.

Use the NCFDD Core Curriculum items related to planning your semester and using your time to meet your goals. 

Some people wonder where their time went? Find tools to help you track your time. 

Time Management-Video by Prof Randy Pausch, Carnegie Mellon Carnegie Mellon Professor Randy Pausch gave a lecture on Time Management at the University of Virginia in November 2007 before he passed away. He speaks about time as having a budget and provides pragmatic tools to managing your time well to be successful.

  • Making Time Work for You. This article by Dr. Gayle Carson, CSP CMC, appeared in the May 2012 issue of Lab Manager includes 12 tips including:
    1. Keep a time log every day for two weeks.
    2. Plan your day the night before.
    3. Learn to prioritize
    4. Rank your A's.
    5. Write everything down.
    6. Have everything in its place
    7. Keep an interruption log for two weeks.
    8. Meetings shouldn't be held when there isn't a purpose.
    9. Discover your prime hours
    10. Set deadlines for everything.
    11. Put messages on a single piece of paper.
    12. Use a "to-do" list ot keep yoruself on track and on target.
    These and other strategies are discussed in the June 6, 2012 webinar Making Time Work for You to register and watch for free the archived video.

Avoid burnout with boundaries