Posted: January 19, 2012

The Sigma Xi Scientific Research Society nominations are due!

Please consider nominating your deserving undergraduate or graduate students, research scientists or post docs to become new/promoted associate or full members of Sigma Xi. Forms can be found at

Here are the rules and conditions for nomination:

1. The nominee should be in Engineering, Chemistry, Mathematics, Biological Sciences, Earth and Environmental Sciences or Physics disciplines.

2. You must be an active (dues paid for 2011-2012) member in order to nominate (now would be a great time to renew!!!!). Please submit form and CV along with membership payment to one of the Lehigh Sigma Xi Chapter officers [Joan Ramage, EES; Sibel Pamukcu, CEE; Ginny McSwain, Physics] by Feb.3, 2012. Fees for membership are at this website

3. If you are not a current member of Sigma Xi and do not wish to renew at this time, simply pass the filled nomination form with your recommendation to one of the Chapter Officers to nominate your candidate.

4. Please plan to cover the initiation fees ( $20 membership+ $20 initiation + $11.50 for local fee) of your graduate student nominees when they are approved for initiation at a dinner on campus, when they receive their certificate. You may consider to cover the initiation and first year transition fee ($63) for your research scientists/post docs from your research accounts or ask them to be personally responsible for those expenditures. The initiation dinner for the new members will be covered
by the University Chapter.

5. Do nominate deserving undergraduate students. Check if your department will cover their initiation fees!

Sigma Xi is an honorary society that promotes scientific research and interdisciplinary development. If you are not a Sigma Xi member and would like to become one, contact one of the University Chapter Officers who would be glad to nominate you.