January 3, 2018

Lehigh Joins NCFDD-Claim your account today

We are pleased to announce that Lehigh University has joined the National Center for Faculty Development & Diversity (NCFDD) as an Institutional Member. The NCFDD is a nationally-recognized, independent organization that provides online career development and mentoring resources for faculty, postdocs, and graduate students. To claim your free Institutional Membership, please visit www.FacultyDiversity.org/Join and select Lehigh University from the member list. If you have any questions about the membership, please contact: advance@lehigh.edu. If you have...
December 13, 2017

Mooi Choo Chuah a Fellow of National Academy of Inventors

Professor Mooi Choo Chuah of Lehigh University's P.C. Rossin College of Engineering and Applied Science has been named a 2017 Fellow of the National Academy of Inventors (NAI) . Read more here, http://www.lehigh.edu/engineering/news/faculty/2017/20171212-mooi-choo-c... . Congratulations to Professor Chuah.
September 7, 2017

HERS- Leadership Institute Opportunities

If you are interested in enhancing your leadership skills, consider reaching out to ADVANCE and the Office of the Provost to make an application to the summer HERS Institute. Since 1976, over 5,000 women in faculty, staff, and administrative roles in higher education have further developed their leadership ability by attending the HERS Institute. The application process is currently open and early bird deadline is November 17, 2017. This summer, there is also a special...
September 6, 2017

MAPWISELY Conference Information for Fall 2017

Members of MAPWISEly Cohort 1 and Cohort 2 are invited to Lehigh University Nov 2-3 (arrival the 2nd, and conference on the 3rd) for the MAPWISEly Conference. Hotel details and Meeting registration will go live by the end of September 8, 2017.
September 6, 2017

On Meetings-Soap boxing and interrupting

Everyone has experienced bad meetings. When the cause of a bad meeting includes one or two prominent voices steering the conversation off track and/or monopolizing the time, there are strategies attendees and meeting conveners can use to stop the situation and to try to prevent it from happening in the future. Recent research also demonstrates these behaviors negatively impact the contributions of women. What can we do? Be aware of behaviors, set up ground rules...
August 30, 2017

Why men don't believe the data...

After a Googler's "Manifesto" hit the headlines, and countless other complaints and studies, why is it so many men who are scientists or engineers don't believe the research on gender bias in science? This opinion piece suggests that, basically, scientists are people, too. They're not as objective as they like to think- and reading about gender bias in science is very disconcerting for someone who has been trained to believe humans can be objective. Additionally...
August 30, 2017

Why Women Leave STEM? New paper.

A new working paper authored by a team at Georgetown University finds that negative feedback, in the form of bad grades, is not enough on its own to drive women out of their major, neither is the environment. However when these factors compound to give multiple signals of lack of fit in a major (low grades, gender composition of the class, external stereotyping signals), women leave STEM at higher rates then men. Read the original...
August 21, 2017

Percentages of Women on Faculty and Promoted to Full Professor

ADVANCE at Lehigh aims to increase the numbers of women faculty hired into STEM and to facilitate the advancement of women faculty through full professor. At the start of a new academic year, it is useful to review the progress towards these goals. In 2007, 3 years before the ADVANCE IT Grant was Awarded, the percentage of STEM tenure track faculty who were women was 15%. In 2010, the year ADVANCE IT started, the percentage...
July 26, 2017

Faculty Recruitment Updates

The Office of the Provost updated documents for faculty recruitment so guidelines for search align with evidence based best practices as well as college level requirements. Visit the information within Faculty Searches & Initial Appointment to locate Faculty Recruitment Checklist DOC PDF items. Some enhancements to the faculty search process are noted below; many search committees have already adopted these best practices. As always follow the checklist details and consult with the Office of the...
April 4, 2017

Are We Awards Ready?

The Association for Women in Science has partnered with several professional societies to increase the recognition of under represented people in prestigious professional society awards. Check out the work by AWIS and also, check out this webinar hosted by the American Chemistry Society to better understand the awards process and increase the quality and diversity of nominees and awardees. The concepts are applicapable to other fields.