October 8, 2015

To the Women in My Engineering Classes-Letter to the Editor EWU

Jared Mauldin, a senior Mechanical Engineering student at Eastern Washington University, penned a letter to the editor addressing the women in his engineering classes. It is going viral on social media and is an excellent springboard for additional conversations.
September 22, 2015

Lehigh's ADVANCE Men Advocates Announces Mission and Structure

Creating community across academic departments is the overarching goal of Lehigh ADVANCE. Fostering gender equity within and across departments takes involvement by all faculty, regardless of gender. On September 10-11, 2015, North Dakota State University Forward Male Advocates conducted a workshop designed to build upon the 2013 program about male allyship. The 2015 workshop used research and case studies to focus on building skills and understanding more deeply what makes up climate that leads to...
March 19, 2015

Imposter Syndrome: What is it? How to over come it?

Today, Dr. Nancy Wayne delivered a presentation and workshop "Building Confidence to Overcome the Imposter Syndrome" for faculty and students who interact through the WISE organizations on campus. The presentation is available to view. Imposter Syndrome is mostly a problem of confidence, not a clinical disorder or disease. Men and women can experience it, however it appears more prevalent in women, according to research. People held in highest esteem for their accomplishements have explained their...
January 30, 2015

Revised Policy: Strategic Faculty Hiring Initiative

Lehigh continues to identify and support tools to assist with dual career hiring that can increase the diversity of the faculty. In Spring 2014, Provost Farrell approved expanding the Strategic Faculty Hiring Initiative to provide cost sharing support for Professors of Practice, Lecturers and Vistors. Having the right resources such as this policy, enhancements to the dual career services process, and the creation of the Lehigh Valley Inter-regional Networking and Connecting Consortium (LINC), may be...
January 29, 2015

Dr. Christine Grant at Lehigh, February 10-11, 2015

Educator, mentor, author and transformational speaker Dr. Christine Grant has been inspiring indiviudals and groups towards academic excellence for over 25 years at the university level. While at Lehigh University, Dr. Grant will meet in small groups with students and faculty from RCEAS, get to know our STEM faculty women and talk about career goal planning, and facilitate a working session with Lehigh ADVANCE leadership and STEM faculty to gain insight into how diversity and...
January 22, 2015

Belief in Brilliance may keep women out

When scholars talk about the culture of STEM or the culture of a specific STEM discipline, one important attitude to pay attention to is the importance a discipline's scholars place on the belief that being brilliant is important to succeed. A recent study appearing in Science, "Expectations of brilliance underlie gender distributions across academic disciplines" by Sarah-Jane Leslie, Andrei Cimpian, Meredith Meyer, Edward Freeland found that across graduate students, postpdoctoral fellows and faculty across nine...
January 20, 2015

Why Some Teams are Smarter than Others

This past Sunday, the New York Times featured an article summarizing research examining what factors make some teams smarter than others. Anite Woolley, Thomas W. Malone and Christopher Chabris reference their studies about this question. Their latest original research, conducted in collaboration with David Engel and Lisa X. Jing was published in PLOS One last month. According to the authors: "The smartest teams were distinguished by three characteristics. First, their members contributed more equally to...
January 6, 2015

Search for New Dean of Engineering is Underway

Lehigh University seeks candidates, both internal and external, for the Dean of the P.C. Rossin College of Engineering and Applied Science. A full position description is available online. Inquiries, nominations and applications are invited. For nominations, please provide a potential candidate's name and initial contact information, if possible, to lehigh-engdean@kornferry.com and Korn Ferry will follow up with the nominee. To apply for the position, candidates wishing to be considered should provide a cover letter describing...