Men faculty who wish to play an active role in strengthening the culture of Lehigh so women and men can be successful. Contact the Coordinator to get involved.
In support of the goals of the LU ADVANCE Center, our mission is to exert a positive influence, primarily among faculty men, on the campus climate regarding gender equity and fairness at Lehigh University.
a) Promote positive program, department, and college climates through individual actions
b) Develop the skills of advocates, allies, and men faculty through workshops, conversations, reading, and everyday awareness
c) Advocate for actions that support women, such as calling attention to climate and policy issues that affect women negatively and encouraging recognition of achievement
d) Recruit additional advocates and allies
Allies: Men identifying faculty are invited to attend a basic awareness and action raising workshop "Ally 101". In this workshop, research and institutional data about gender in the academy are explored, case studies are processed, and actions individual men can take are discussed. Personal committments are made. Men who wish to be named as an ally, are invited to do so, and their names are added to the list and they are more visible and accountable to all colleagues across campus. Ultimately every faculty member should have allyship skills and behaviors. Allies typically gather twice a semester for another learning opportunity hosted by the Advocates.
Advocates: Advocates are commited to meeings regularly, keep up with the latest research and work in concert with ADVANCE and other entities on campus to take on specific projects, lead the allies workshops and gatherings, and deeply engage in other personal development opportunities to better understand how to cooperatively make change. The objective is to have a cohort of diverse Advocates in every college and department to be integral to ongoing transformation supporting diversity, equity, and inclusion of faculty of all genders.
Lehigh’s ADVANCE Men Advocates are led by a coordinator selected by the team who sets the agenda for meetings, acts as a liaison to the ADVANCE Center Leadership Advisory Council, and reports for the group. The coordinator is assisted by a group member who acts as secretary. Each active advocate will submit a yearly individual action plan. We welcome inquiries from men faculty wishing to join us in support of the goals of LU ADVANCE. Allies attend a basic educational workshop lead by the Advocates, are invited to another educational program, and are encouraged to become advocates in the future.
FINANCIAL SUPPORT This program is funded solely for events hosted. This may include funds for books, novel toolkit resources, speakers, and catering.
Read more about origins of this initiative.
- How To Advocate for Gender Equity
- Critical Listening Guide
- Statement against Sexual Harassment and Misconduct
- Statement on Gender Bias in SET
- DRAFT Navigating Obstacles to Progress in DEIJB
Peer reviewed articles about this type of allyship in higher ed among faculty:
- Implementation of Advocates and Allies Programs to Support and Promote Gender Equity in Academia
- Interactive Panel on Perspectives and Practical Skills for Men as Advocates for Gender Equity